
Eleventh Grade Alignment Lesson Plans


Lesson Title: Should Some Web Sites (Websites) Be Banned at School?


Created and Submitted by: Judi Moreillon


School Name: Texas Woman's University


District: Sample Lesson Plan 


Role: School Librarian Educator 


Grade Level: 11th Grade 


Lesson Plan Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about persuasive text.

2. Provide evidence from the text to support their analysis.

3. Evaluate how the author's purpose and stated or perceived audience affect the tone of persuasive texts.


ELA-R TEKS (ONE only): This standard is the one that will be linked to the wiki. This should be a standard that determines a lesson objective and has a measurable outcome.


§110.33.b. (10) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Persuasive Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis.

(A) evaluate how the author's purpose and stated or perceived audience affect the tone of persuasive texts.


Other Content Area(s) Addressed:


Possible Connection with Social Studies

Technology (for extension)


Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Indicators (No more than three):

2.1.1 Continue an inquiry-based research process by applying critical-thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge.

2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real-world situations, and further investigations. 


Classroom Teacher – School Librarian(s) Collaboration:


Measurable Outcome or Final Product:  Complete the Drawing Inferences Graphic Organizer


Assessment Tool(s): 11_10_A_Drawing_Inferences_Graphic_Organizer.doc (.doc)


Resources: Include appropriate print, electronic, and Web-based resources to meet the learning objective(s).


       Mentor Text for Modeling: Banned Websites Awareness Day 2011 (YouTube Video: http://bit.ly/bwad92811) - New Canaan High School

                    (CT) students talk about how blocking Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter changed and limited their learning on 9/28/11.


       Student Text:  Banned Websites Awareness Day (http://bit.ly/aaslbwad)


       For Background Knowledge:


          Access for Children and Young Adults to Nonprint Materials: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights
http://bit.ly/access2nonprint)this link does not work - link is working now


          American Library Association: Mission & History  (http://bit.ly/alamishis) this link does not work - link is working now


         The Library Bill of Rights (http://bit.ly/librarybor) this link does not work - link is working now



Extension Possibilities: Analysis of District's or Other Acceptable Use Policies (that involve social networking Web sites-Websites)


Estimated Lesson Time: 55 minutes


Instructional Plan Outline:



1. Educators divide the students into partnerships of two or three people.

2. They distribute the Drawing Inferences, Conclusions, and Evaluation Graphic Organizer to each student.



3. Educators post and review the lesson objectives.

4. Educators ask if students have heard of Banned Books Week. Solicit or provide a description of this annual event. Educators ask if students have heard of Banned Websites Awareness Day. Solicit or provide a description of this annual (since 2011) event.

5. Introduce the YouTube video as a persuasive text. Define persuasion. Let students know you will be playing it once through and co-modeling making inferences, drawing conclusions, and evaluating the tone of the piece. Remind students of the formula for making inferences: Information in the Text + Background Knowledge = Inference (between the lines interpretations) Elaine

6. Play the video once. Ask students to think-pair-share with each other.



7. Play the video again and stop it periodically for educators to think-aloud to draw inferences. Project the graphic organizer and take turns recording evidence in the text, background knowledge (or research), and inferences. (For the purposes of modeling, research can consist of educators sharing information or answering students' questions about ALA, the Library Bill of Rights, or Banned Websites Awareness Day.)

8. After a few examples, continue the think-aloud process and involve students in suggesting evidence, sharing background knowledge, and drawing inferences from the video.

9. When the entire video has been analyzed, educators model drawing conclusions about the video and lead the students in an evaluation of the tone of the video in terms of its impact on the audience (in this case high school students). Record citations on the graphic organizer.

10. Introduce the students' text, which is found on the American Association of School Librarians' Web site (Website) : Banned Websites Awareness Day (http://bit.ly/aaslbwad). Ask who is the audience for this Web page (Webpage) ? For the purpose of this assignment, the audience is the students' themselves. 


Guided Practice

11. Transfer and review process from a video to a print text:

12. Educators monitor students' practice. They will monitor for following the procedure, recording with notemaking formats, and correct citation formats. (Review notemaking and citation format if necessary.)



13. Educators ask: "How do readers make inferences?"

14. Ask students to share their initial inferences about the piece.


Day 2

15. Review drawing conclusions and evaluating the tone of the persuasive text in terms of its effect on the audience.

16. Students complete the graphic organizer and write paragraphs related to their conclusions and evaluation.



17. Students share their paragraphs with a partner.



18. The educators review and assess the students' graphic organizers and paragraphs in terms of meeting the learning outcomes.



19. Identify other persuasive texts on this topic. If appropriate, students can analyze the school or district's Acceptable Use Policy or articles related to Internet filtering in schools.

20. Create similar Web 2.0 presentations that use persuasive techniques to establish a tone that will influence an audience.



Note: To read a script for using think-alouds to model making inferences from Access for Children and Young Adults to Nonprint Materials: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, see Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Secondary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact (Moreillon, 2012) page 25.