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Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 6 years, 6 months ago

This site is an archive.


In November, 2017, the American Association of School Librarians published new National School Library Standards.


In February, 2018, the new Texas School Library Standards were adopted.


The lesson plans on this site are useful but the alignments on the plans and on this wiki are no longer valid.


Success for Texas Students through School Library Programs:

A Standards Alignment Matrix and Collection of Classroom-Library Cotaught Lesson Plans


Prepared by the Texas Learning4Life Implementation Team of the

Texas Association of School Librarians




Texas Essential Skills and Knowledge (TEKS)

English Language Arts and Reading

and AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner 



You can access the lesson plan template and sample lesson plans from the Lesson Plans link on the sidebar. Submissions are open beginning in the 2013-2014 academic year.


Why Contribute: Texas Standards for School Library Programs


Goal: To promote the integration of curriculum, resources, and teaching strategies to ensure the success of all students as the effective creators and users of ideas and information, enabling them to become lifelong learners.

The librarian models and promotes collaborative instruction with teachers, as determined by the independent and diverse needs of all learners, and within the context of state curriculum standards.

Exemplary Program Development: Knowledgeable of the TEKS and collaborates with teachers in all subject areas to integrate State-mandated curriculum into at least 90% of the lesson plans presented in the library.


How to Contribute:

  • When you receive the invitation to contribute a lesson plan, use the template to compose a plan aligned with ONE ELA-R TEKS.
  • Review the sample lesson plan.
  • Follow the directions on the template for submitting your lesson plan.
  • The lesson plan peer-review committee will acknowledge receipt of your lesson plan.
  • If your plan is posted to this wiki, you will receive a badge to display on your website or electronic portfolio.
  • Thank you!


Additional Resources to Support This Work:

TEA - STAAR Assessment Curriculum 

AASL - The School Librarian's Role in Reading Position Statement

AASL - The School Librarian's Role in Reading Toolkit

J. Moreillon - Reading Comprehension Strategies and AASL Standards Alignment Matrix



For More Information:

Judi Moreillon - info@storytrail.com

Suzanne Lyons - suzanne.lyons@fortbend.k12.tx.us

Susi Grissom - susi.grissom@sbcglobal.net



Lesson Plan Contributors


Standard Contributors


TLA 2010 Conference Presentation: "L4L -- Learning for Life with the AASL Standards"


TLA 2012 Conference Presentation: "L4L -- Advocacy through Coteaching Deep Comprehension"


TLA 2013 Conference Presentation: "Leading with Learning4Life: Using the AASL Framework to Build a Pivotal Literacy Program"



Submit a lesson plan that is selected for inclusion on this site and earn this badge!




Last updated: 20 June 2015

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