
Second Grade Alignment Lesson Plans


Lesson Title: Whose Lucky Day Was It?


Created and Submitted by: Judi Moreillon 

School Name: Texas Woman's University 

District: Sample Lesson Plan  

Role: School Librarian Educator


Grade Level: 2nd Grade 


Lesson Plan Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Make predictions based on their background knowledge.

2. Use clues in illustrations and print to make predictions.

3. Make notes on a graphic organizer.

4. Self-assess notes (graphic organizer) and ability to make predictions (comprehension strategy).


ELA-R TEKS (ONE only): This standard is the one that will be linked to the wiki. This should be a standard that determines a lesson objective and has a measurable outcome.


§110.13. (3) (A)  use ideas (e.g., illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions


Other Content AreaAddressed:

Technology (for the Extension)


Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Indicators:

1.1.6: Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking processes for effectiveness and progress, and adapt as necessary.

2.1.2 Organize knowledge so that it is useful.


Classroom Teacher – School Librarian(s) Collaboration:


Measurable Outcome or Final Product:  Complete the Logical Predictions on the Making Predictions Graphic Organizer


Assessment Tool(s): Making Predictions Graphic Organizer (.doc)


Resources: Include appropriate print, electronic, and Web-based resources to meet the learning objective(s).


SchoolTube Video "Making Predictions


My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza (Putnam 2003) - multiple copies for student partners or teams of three, add sticky notes for page numbers (1 per double-page spread)


Text Set of Predictable Picture Books


Extension Possibilities: Storybird.com or Scribble Press (iPad app)


Estimated Lesson Time: 45 minutes


Instructional Plan Outline/Implementation Steps:



1. Educators divide the students into partnerships of two or three people. (The classroom teacher may create the groups by putting at least one higher proficiency reader in each group.)

2. They distribute Making Predictions Graphic Organizers to each student and a copy of the mentor text (with sticky-note page numbering) to each group of students.



3. Educators post and review the lesson objectives.

4. Educators announce: "Let's Make a Prediction" and post this formula:

Information in the Text + Background Knowledge = Prediction (What comes next?)

5. One educator (A)  leaves the room. The other educator (B) produces a bouquet. She/he asks the student partners to predict how A will react when she/he is presented the bouquet. Ask students to think, share with their partner(s), and record their prediction as a one word note on their individual graphic organizers.

6. After A returns and responds, B asks teams that were "correct" to raise their hands. Students and educators share other predictions and discuss whether or not they were logical. Students and/or educators share a prediction that does not make sense.
7. Educators share all or part of the SchoolTube Video "Making Predictions"
http://www.schooltube.com/video/ba5eb58e716e44a83350/   Educators pause the video periodically and ask students to whisper their predictions to their partner or group members. 



8. Educators introduce the mentor text, My Lucky Day. The author Keiko Kasza has written a great book for making predictions! 

9. Educators ask students to make a prediction: "Whose lucky day is it?"  Students will circle "pig" or "fox" on their graphic organizers.

10. Using think-alouds, the educators will jointly model using the title, front cover, and back cover illustrations to make predictions about the outcome of the story. They will project the Making Predictions Graphic Organizer and record their predictions as notes. Students will copy the educators' notes onto their individual graphic organizers. Example: Back Cover: I (for illustration) - F. tired

11. The educators will continue to use think-alouds as they discuss the print and illustrations on pages 1 and 2. They will record their predictions on the graphic organizer as one-word notes or short phrases. Students will copy the educators' notes. Note: Demonstrate divergence in predictions.

12. Educators and students put check marks next to predictions that are correct, the ones that come true in the story.


Guided Practice

13. When educators believe students are ready to continue reading on their own, they will review the procedure with students. 

14. Educators monitor students' practice. They will monitor for following the procedure, making logical conclusions, and recording with notemaking formats.

15. Groups that finish early will read from a text set of predictable books.



16. Educators ask: "Was your original prediction true? Put a check mark by the "pig" if you were correct."

17. Educators ask: "Can we make predictions about the ending of this book? How will we can we know if the author doesn't tell us?" Students will share their responses orally or in writing. (If students are ready for another concept, note that readers make inferences when they cannot confirm the answer in the text.)

18. Students complete their self-assessment at the end of the graphic organizer.



19. The educators review and assess the students' graphic organizers. They determine if the whole class, small groups, or individual students need to follow up with a similar lesson.



20. Students can write a whole class, small group, or individual story and make their own books using paper or electronic tools to challenge their classmates to make accurate predictions while reading.



Note: To read a script for using think-alouds to model making predictions with this mentor text, see Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Elementary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact (Moreillon, 2007) page 73.


ELAR_2_3_A Lesson Plan (.pdf) 


Making Predictions Graphic Organizer (.doc)